Ayurveda is the hugely popular art of healthy living, which has transcended all cultures. It is formed from the root words of Ayu (life) and Veda (science); being one of the oldest forms of medical science, today it has gained wide popularity amongst consumers worldwide.
Ayurvedic commodities exported by Sri Lanka include spices revered by tradition for giving therapeutic value to meals. Essential oils are used for a multitude of purposes including bath preparations, hair care, massage, skin care, aromatherapy and in small amounts for cooking.
Plant-based traditional medicine accounts for the primary healthcare needs of over 50 percent of the world population. Sri Lanka exports several varieties of medicinal plants for the world’s benefit. Community or out-grower systems of cultivation are in place to harness these products for export.
Several regulations govern supply and value chain to ensure quality and safe availability of these products for consumption. Export channel is relatively long except in the few cases where exporters themselves have their own plantations or out grower systems.
When it comes to the medicinal plants, trading companies regularly visit producing areas; but they find it cost-effective to deal with the intermediaries purchasing through Colombo Auction. Exporters are encouraged to have controlled outsourced supply system (community or out-grower) rather than obtaining from the wild collection. Some of the end-product manufacturers, who need large quantities of raw materials, purchase directly from the producers.